SmartClub - Get Started๐Ÿ‘‹

SmartClub is an online platform, provided by Sportigio Solutions. It allows sports clubs to create and provide a nice looking website and Online Office, which helps in everyday works in the club.

In order to start using SmartClub service - you need to register your account, providing basic information about the Club. All the steps should take less than 60 seconds.


You need to enter homepage of SPORTIGIO SMARTLCUB and enter:

  • Nazwฤ™ klubu

  • Swรณj adres e-mail

Website & Online Office creator

1 Step

You need to enter more info:

  • First Name & Last Name

  • e-mail & club name if You missed it before or made a mistake

2 Step

  • Enter and confirm your password

Password should be secure and consist of at least 8 characters

3 step

  • Domain

  • Website title

Domain is and address in the browser, which user should enter in order to go to your website and online office:

It should be associated with your club name and should not contain capital letters and special characters (only "-" is allowed). The suggested name is entered in the form by default - you can change it.

Website title is also filled by default with your club name and "official website" - you can change it. It will appear in the browser and search tools like Google.

Your own domain (example: is possible to set in anytime - you just need to contact us.

4 step

  • Logo

  • Colour #1 (main)

  • Colour #2 (additional)

Logo - you can upload directly from your computer - recommended PNG format with transparent background. If You don't have your logo at this moment - don't worry. You can change it anytime. At start, website will be generated with default logotype in this case.

Colour #1 - default colour - should be associated with your club. It will be main colour, appearing on your website, for example: links, buttons, background colours.

Colour #2 - secondary colour, using to particular background and buttons, so it should match your default colour. If you don't find any colour - you can simply set the same colours as Colour #1 and Colour #2.

You can set colours, using colours palette or enter direct code in HEX format (e.g. #ccee00).

Either #1 and #2 colour should not be white - it will not match website design.

5 Step

The only needed activity is to read Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, accept it and click "Register" button.

Everything will be ready within few seconds!

Website & office are ready!

Now You can see welcome page with you website address and links, redirected to your admin panels - website panel or Online Office.

You can access everything right after registration, but keep in mind that You should confirm your e-mail address within 1 week. (Activation link has been sent automatically after 5th step - check your e-mail).

The most important settings are done and you can start adding your content. All, what you set before, you can edit anytime. We recommend to set additional features in your Settings module.

You can start your adventure with SmartClub! Try to add first members, articles, just do everything what you need. This documentation is made for you - you can review all the modules and tell us about your experience. What is missing, how we can improve your experience on SmartClub?

Last updated