πŸ–₯️Webpage Menu

In this section you can manage your webpage menu elements..

Adding Element

You should click + ADD ELEMENT button in order to add new menu element. You will see a couple of forms, which you need to fill in:

  • Title (displayed name)

    • add icon possibility (Font Awesome name - look below)

  • Position (Top Menu, Top Buttons, Footer)

    • you can add a "parent element" after choosing sub-menu

  • Type

    • Page - you choose from Pages (infopages) added by you

    • Module - pre-defined, ready modules, e.g. players, schedule, etc.

    • Link - hyperlink to external website (e.g. https://example.com/page)

  • You can choose "Open in new window"

You can manage order of your menu element, simply by clicking appropriate arrow, to move it lower or higher (to the left or right):

Top menu

Top elements on the picture above are:

  • News

  • Players

  • Games

  • Sponsors

  • Media

Buttons (TOP)

Top button element on the picture above is "Tickets" - blue button:

Footer menu elements will be displayed here (center, between 2020 and "powered by Sportigio"):

When you add menu element, you will see three available types:


Element redirects user to the page, created by you in Pages sections of our admin panel:


Element redirects user to one of the following elements:

  • News - list of all articles

  • Video list - section, displaying all added videos

  • Photos Gallery - list of all photo galleries

  • Players - roster of your team (Team photo + players list + coaches, team members)

  • Schedule & Results - list of all added games + results

  • Standings - auto-generated standings of the league, based on results, which you add to your admin panel

  • Sponsors - section with list of all sponsors, added to your panel

  • Calendar (from Online Office) - displays calendar with list of events, added to your calendar in Online Office)

Element redirects user to chosen URL.

"Media" menu element is a "parent element" for "Photos" and "Videos" elements, which are its sub-menu elements.

After clicking "sub-menu" button, you will be able to manage order of the sub-menu elements:

Icons in menu elements

>>> Link: Font Awesome

Last updated