
Add a file

When you click "New File" button, you will be redirected to adding page, where you should upload the file from your computer. Then you can add:

  • Name of the file

  • File description

It's worth to do it correctly, because original file name will be not displayed.

Acceptable types and formats

In Files section of Online Office, you can store those files:

  1. Images files:

    1. *jpg

    2. *png

    3. *gif

    4. *svg

    5. *psd

    6. *ai *eps *ps

  2. Documents

    1. *pdf

  3. Excel files

    1. *xls, *xlsx

    2. *csv

  4. PowerPoint presentations

    1. *ppt, *pptx

  5. Word documents

    1. *doc, *docx

  6. File archives:

    1. *zip

    2. *rar

    3. *7z

  7. Audio files:

    1. *mp3

Files Management

In Files section you can preview your files, upload them, edit, remove, etc. If you want to share the file by URL (on the website for example), you should click "URL" button and copy the link, like below:

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